6 Ways To Get Your Energy, Mind And Body Back
Our energy levels play a large part in what we can and have the will to do each day, week, month and year. Without it we just feel like we're treading water, going nowhere and getting nothing done. No one feels like this more than parents.

Parenting is the most amazing and blessed experience but at the same time exhausting and challenging. It's even worse if you feel strung out and lethargic. Believe me I know!
I had 4 children under 5 and to be honest can't remember much about it - a total blurr! Every photo of me during those early years is of a fairly sloppy, tired looking woman with bags under her eyes, cracking skin and a pretty serious sugar/caffeine obsession. Like anything you have to go through the bad times to learn lessons and appreciate the good. Most significantly for me were the lessons I learnt about fitness, food and motivation that got my body, energy and sanity back on track.
With the input and expertise of naturopath Stacey Curcio from Cultivating Wellness (a Mum of 2), we've together created the Six Energy Drivers that will help every parent to regain that get-up-and-go, body confidence and mental clarity we all need in order to tackle those parenting and family challenges we all face on a daily basis.

This is about doing something for yourself and prioritising your needs, so that you can meet everyone else's.
What are the 6 Keys?
1. Stimulants

2. Get me outta this house! The Four Wall Frenzy is our second energy zapping element.

3. Beware of the Boggy Carbohydrates!

4. Stressing Insomniac

5 Up & At 'Em Exercise!

6. It's all about YOU!
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What's Inside The 6 Ways To Get Your Energy Back
Motivation, Mood & Meditation
Spend five minutes every morning as soon as you wake up.
• Read it, fell it, believe it
• Rate your mood on a positive scale
• 3 Minutes of meditiation

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